Women's Coastal Leadership Breakfast
Each year more and more women become involved in Louisiana’s coastal issues. From elected officials, academics, engineers, public agencies to private firms and community organizers, women are playing prominent roles in various aspects of our land loss crisis.
CRCL’s Women’s Coastal Leadership Breakfast recognizes the dedication, innovation and leadership of these women while providing inspiration and networking opportunities for women in the field. SOC’s Inaugural Women’s Coastal Leadership Breakfast was a morning of inspiring conversation with some of Louisiana most influential women.
There is no additional cost to attend this one of a kind event, but you will need to register separately in advance.
This event is a woman-focused event that intends an inclusive definition of women. We are welcoming and respectful of women, including trans women and those who are nonbinary, gender non-conforming, and anyone who identifies as a woman in a way that is significant to them. We also welcome allies who are committed to creating environments that are supportive of people who are typically underrepresented in the workplace and beyond.
900 Convention Center BLvd
New Orleans, LA 70130
United States